Memphis’ trials

Top-down shooter. Use your gun's flash to light the way in pitch dark test chambers! Complete the game before the timer runs out.

gameplay reel


“””Memphis (the protagonist) is a lich, a mage that found a way to live forever by transferring his soul into robotic phylacteries by means of necromancy and alchemy. Each time he undergoes this process he must complete a set of trials to test his new body and regain his memory.

During trials, many dangers will be waiting in the shadows. But who can tell shadows from lost memories?”””


game requires keyboard and mouse to play
  • WASD - move
  • LMB - shoot
  • Escape - menu
lil godot stuff:

For some reason, we were experimenting with physics, this why player is not <a href="">CharacterBody3D</a>, but RigidBody3d moved around by pid-controller - it may feel weird



Level Design:

Everything about art:






Maaack's Godot-Game-Template assets used


memphistrials.exe 98 MB
Version edefee9 32 days ago

Development log


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A really cool setting with some well done voice over, music and graphics. But I find really infuriating to play.

So straight off the bat, I hate the shooting to light the way mechanic. It's not so much the mechanic itself that I hate it's the fact that I have limited ammo. I wouldn't mind if it was unlimited with a long reload between X number of shots or just a longer cooldown per shot or something. But the game itself already has a ton of cool traps/environmental hazards to deal with nevermind not being able to see because you ran outta ammo.

Not to mention if you get to later levels which are more open so you basically have to run around exploring and wasting your ammo just to figure out where to go, to then restart and then go the right way.

Maybe that's all part of your intended design and that's how you like it. It might just be a problem with me personally not enjoying that mechanic. I just didn't like it and found it annoying and after 5+ levels or so (after the small jumpad level) i gave up.

With the exception of the limited ammo mechanic the game has a really solid design and there's a lot to avoid and do as you progress and it is introduced gradually and well. The character moves great and the firing is spot on. The big weird bouncing ball of a bullet when you shoot a switch and then it comes back is a little weird but nothing major.

Graphically the game is great I especially liked the title screen and the introduction. You really show off the character in such a cool way and it feels almost wasted to then never really see them properly again with the top down / dark environment. The traps/hazards (with the exception of the pits of course) are all really well designed and communicated to the player.

On the audio side the music is an absolute banger. It kinda reminds me of The Fifth Element who used this weird industrial style rock that I loved and it felt like I was listening to something like that. SFX were solid across the board also.

Besides my previously mentioned issue/dislike of the lighting mechanic the game is a lot of fun. Would be cool to see more of the character and a more interesting/different way of dealing with the lighting the way mechanic.

I really enjoyed this! Didn't beat it :( very tough, running out of ammo was a very common issue. I guess I need to git gud. Loved the visuals. Great work